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Bikini Fitness

Bikini fitness is a serious commitment to looking your best by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. True physical fitness does not happen overnight. It is a process you work at until you get the desired results, and then you keep working. It’s a way of living that makes your health the first priority, and that has benefits well beyond just looking good! When you are in the best shape possible, you will feel confident which only increases your appeal.

Bikini Fitness

The first step to bikini fitness is to just get up and get moving. If you haven’t worked out much up until now, start out slowly by going for a walk. You can increase your time and or pace with each outing until you can maintain at least 30 – 40 minutes of brisk cardio activity 3 – 5 times a week. Other activities you may want to consider are things such as Pilates, yoga or some other type of resistance training. Exercises such as these help to lengthen and tone your muscles.

Once you have gotten moving, start to make slowly changes to the way you are eating. If you start with small changes at first, you will be more likely to embrace your new, healthy habits. Try to concentrate on eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbs. Eating a well balanced diet will help you maintain overall health as well as a healthy weight. Proper hydration is also a key element to that smooth skin and hair, so don’t forget to drink plenty to stay refreshed and keep that nice glow!

Being in excellent shape means a full time commitment to your health, but it also definitely has its rewards. With your new lithe physique, you will look and feel your absolute best on the beach all summer long knowing you are the picture of perfect bikini fitness!